February 29, 2009: Interview With Renee DeVoe (Cashier)

Q: When did you start working at the Buffet?

A: November 2007

Q: Why did you decide to work here at Ball State?

A: Because my daughter started attending Ball State and it is her first year and by working here helps pay for tuition.

Q: More specifically why the Buffet? Why not work at Courtside or Out of Bounds?

A: I liked the hours of the Buffet and I knew someone who worked at the Buffet already.

Q: Is there any training you had to go through?

A: I had to pass a cashier's class

Q: What is a typical work day for you? What do you do?

A: I am a cashier. I work in the mornings, so I am in charge of putting out the doughnuts, make sure cereal is full, unlock door, then work at the cash register.

Q: What is the hardest part of your job?

A: Truthfully, the hardest part of my job is stopping the students from stealing. I absolutely hate doing it.